Get connected
Ways to get connected
Whether you're looking for a small group to join, opportunities to volunteer, or you’d simply like to be informed about upcoming church events, the two best ways to get and stay connected are to download the Church Center app and to sign up for our weekly email announcements.
Email Announcements
Community requires communication. Sign up for our weekly email announcements to be updated on small groups, volunteer opportunities, church events, and any changes to our usual meeting times that you’ll need to know about.
Church Center App
We highly recommend downloading the Church Center app, where you can:
Register for events, retreats, and service opportunities
Sign up for small groups
Give online
Access an opt-in directory
Engage discussion channels for the Church Forum and Young Adults Group
Church Center can also be accessed at
If you have questions about Church Center or if you need help downloading and using the app, email
Small Groups
Jesus invested in a small group of disciples—twelve to be precise. They shared the journey together and were formed in the context of deep community. Small groups at Church at the Well are where formation takes place in the context of deep community. It’s where we practice being with Jesus together in Scripture and prayer, in meaningful conversation, and around meals or with a hot cup of coffee or tea in hand.
Our small groups kick off in September, with new small group opportunities emerging in winter and spring. Traditionally, we take the summer off from small groups to provide a season of rest and give leaders a break, incorporating opportunities alternative spaces for connection like picnics, bonfires, or retreat.
To see a list of current small groups or sign up click here.
If you are interested in learning more about small groups or leading a small group, email
Children's Ministry
When parents brought their children to Jesus to be blessed, the disciples tried to shew the parents away because they saw the children as a bother. But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children” (Mark 10:14). When we invest in children, we are investing in the Kingdom of God. At Kids Church, we engage children creatively, bringing them imaginatively into Scripture stories through art and craft, games, conversation, and prayer. We often find that even as we are planting seeds of God’s love in the little lives, they are teaching us about God’s love in big ways.
When released (usually following worship), children are invited to participate in our Children's Ministry.
We have classes for newborns up to kids in middle school
Parents are asked to accompany their kids in order to sign-in their kids
All volunteers who work with children are background-checked. For the safety of all, parents are only permitted to stay in the classroom with their children if they, too, have been background-checked.
At any point during the service, you are welcome to check on your child. Giving your phone number at check-in will ensure that volunteers can contact you if needed.
At the end of the worship gathering, we ask you to promptly make your way downstairs to sign out your child.
Email with any questions related to Children's Ministry.
Upcoming Events
Serving builds community and grows us spiritually. When we serve, we connect with others, deepen our hearts, and become more like Jesus, who came to serve and not to be served.
Volunteering on Sundays:
Our Sunday gathering volunteers typically serve once every 4 to 6 weeks.
COFFEE SUNDAY TEAM - We set up food and drinks, pick up supplies, and clean up at our monthly Coffee Sundays following the worship gathering.
CONNECT TEAM – We set up the Welcome Table in the lobby and greet people as they arrive while connecting them to church resources and others.
COMMUNION TEAM - We serve communion on the last Sunday of the month, setting the communion table as well as preparing and serving the elements.
JOY BOX TEAM – We prepare financial deposits after the service, which involves recording data from charitable donations and making bank deposits.
KIDS' CHURCH TEAM - We serve the kids in our church family, who range in age from newborn to sixth grade. No experience is necessary, but a background check is required.
PRODUCTION TEAM – We operate the media presentation, run audio, and handle set up and tear down for our Sunday gatherings. No experience necessary.
Interested in volunteering on one of these teams? Email
Volunteering in the Larger Community
We partner closely with several local and international organizations and ministries. If you’d like to learn more about them and how you can get involved, please follow the links below, or contact, who would love to help you get connected.
150 CHERRY ST facilitates community initiatives for the city, creative compassion for the world, and spiritual renewal for all.
ANEW PLACE is a homeless services agency equipping adults in the Greater Burlington area experiencing homelessness with the tools for lifelong change.
CHI ALPHA CAMPUS MINISTRY is a multi-ethnic Christian campus ministry at UVM.
CHURCH AT PRISON has been serving men, women, and families affected by incarceration since 1992.
RUF CAMPUS MINISTRY connects the big truths of the Bible with the big questions college students face. They reach students for Christ and equip them to serve.
SIGNS OF LOVE serves and lives the gospel among the Deaf who have no access to language in rural Honduras, Peru, and beyond.
For more information:
USCRI VERMONT is a branch of the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, which works to protect the rights and meet the needs of the uprooted. Email
VILLAGE 2 VILLAGE supports vulnerable children in rural Uganda through education, medical care, nutrition, and social & spiritual mentoring.